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HDMI Multimedia Interface Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Views : 258
Update time : 2023-06-28 13:51:03
  1. What are the advantages of using HDMI through the existing audio interface, RCA connector and digital SPDIF:
  High quality: HDMI transmits the audio far and wide to the amplifier in pure digital connections are more prone to loss due to wiring from audio conditioning equipment and other electronics. Compared with SPDIF connection, HDMI has greater bandwidth, allowing it to support the latest lossless audio formats.
  Ease of use: HDMI integrates video and multi-channel audio in a single cable, thereby eliminating the cost, complexity and confusion of multiple cables used in current A/V systems. 
  High intelligence: HDMI supports two-way communication between audio sources and audio conditioning devices, supporting new features such as automatic configuration and one-touch playback. By using HDMI, the device automatically transmits the most efficient format for the connected A/V receiver, freeing the consumer from having to scroll through all the audio format options trying to guess what is the best and most supported format.
  2. How do consumers identify which HDMI products support specific functions:
  The core content for consumers to pay attention to is that HDMI has been enabling a series of the latest technologies. In most cases, however, the choice of which features to implement in a particular product is at the discretion of each manufacturer. Therefore, manufacturers can choose the function combination suitable for their customer base through their own understanding of market conditions. So customers have to choose a device with the features they need.
HDMI integrates video
  3. What is the difference between the Adopter Agreement and the Test Equipment Manufacturer Agreement, and which one should I sign:
  The Adopter Agreement is available to manufacturers who wish to manufacture and sell HDMI-enabled products such as DVD players, set-top boxes, televisions, semiconductors, cables and connectors. The Test Equipment Manufacturer Agreement is provided to manufacturers who wish to manufacture and sell test equipment, such as oscilloscopes, waveform generators and other measurement tools designed to assist manufacturers in testing their HDMI products using compliance test specifications to achieve compliance with the HDMI specification.
  4. How long is the expected life of HDMI?
  HDMI is an evolving standard that is constantly evolving to meet the needs of the market. HDMI has excess bandwidth to incorporate new technology enhancements and features long term in the not-too-distant future.