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By PURPLELEC | 03 August 2023 | 0 Comments

Video capture card software driver installation steps

 video capture card
      1. The installation process of the common video capture card (not all need to be installed) first turn off the power of the computer, open the case, and install the video capture card on an empty PCI slot. Take out the screws from the box of the video capture card, and fix the video capture card on the chassis. Connect the signal cable of the camera to the video capture card.
  2. The hardware installation of the video capture card is completed. In addition, software installation is required.
  3. Install the driver, MPEG encoder, decoder, etc. used by the video capture card. The specific steps are as follows: Install DirectX9.0 or above. Many video capture cards require the installation of DirectX to be able to use the video capture card.
  4. Install and register MPEG encoder and decoder. Put the installation disk of the video capture card into the CD-ROM drive.
  5. Select the video capture card driver. Select Install Driver, Install SDK Development Kit, Install Application Client Server in turn. Restart the computer to complete the software installation.
  6. The image acquisition card has a VGA attribute setting panel in the VideoCaptureFilter of DirectShow. The interface VGA-acquisition card VGA attribute setting signal status displays the basic status of the currently connected VGA signal, such as the number of lines per frame, refresh rate and other parameters. Image Adjustment By default, the image is automatically adjusted, but if the automatic adjustment cannot achieve the desired effect, such as black borders, unclear image text, or the need to cut the picture, it can be adjusted manually. Save presets, apply presets, no need to adjust each time.
  7. Black border adjustment: Black borders can be eliminated by adjusting the horizontal and vertical positions. The horizontal position is adjusted to 2 pixels each time, and the vertical position is adjusted to 1 pixel each time. Text clarity adjustment: adjust the sampling and sampling phase of each line to achieve the ideal text clarity.
  8. Resolutions with the same number of lines cannot be distinguished and adjusted: for example, the following resolutions are 1024x761280x761360x761368x76, and their number of lines is 76. Automatic adjustment may all be recognized as 1024x76. At this time, click automatic adjustment, and the list shown in the figure below will pop up, and the user can choose the correct one. resolution. Screen cropping: meet the required requirements by adjusting the screen width, screen height, horizontal position, and vertical position. When increasing or decreasing the screen width, adjust from the right first, and when increasing or decreasing the screen height, adjust from the bottom first.
  9. 1) Set the zoom to completely fill the screen, without keeping the original image ratio, so as to confirm whether the cropping adjustment is in place. 2) Cut off the left side of the screen: first move the horizontal position to the left, and then reduce the screen width.
  10. 3) Cut off the right side of the screen: just reduce the screen width. 4) Cut off the top of the screen: first move up the vertical position, and then reduce the height of the screen.
  11.5) Cut off the bottom of the screen: just reduce the height of the screen.
  12. After the image adjustment is completed, if you want to save the current adjustment, you can click Save Preset, Apply Preset, and click Delete Preset to delete the previously saved preset. To install the driver, the most important thing is to find the driver. The installation itself is the same as installing the application program, there is no difference.
  13. If the hardware driver CD is still there, it is the easiest. Put the CD in the CD-ROM to run automatically. After installing all the hardware drivers, it can be used normally.
  14. You can download the driver from the hardware official website, use online driver installation tools, such as Driver Life, or the master can automatically upgrade and install the driver. Insert the video card into the pci slot of the computer, turn on the computer and install the driver.
  15. Steps to install the driver: Right-click My Computer, click Properties, click Hardware, click Device Manager, click the Sound, Video and Game Controller option, find the card you just installed, double-click to open and select the option to install the driver. Find the driver in your installation software and install the driver. Step 1: Shut down the computer and disconnect any cables connected to it.
  16. Sit the computer on a stable work surface – like a desk, chair or table. Step Two: Case Screws Remove the case frame of the computer – the screws will be located on the back of the computer along the edges. Step Three: Slide the casing of the computer's frame off to expose your computer's internal components.
  17. Step 4: Find an unused card slot on the motherboard.
  18. Remove the screws securing the metal plate and adjacent slots on the back of the box.
  19. Step 5: Take out the metal plate and slide the video capture card into the card slot.
  20. The card's gold contacts will fit into the slot only one way – if it doesn't fit, flip it over.
  21. The output of the card should be highlighted on the outside of the case. Step 6: Press the slot into the snap firmly, then snap the case back into place and remove the screw left from the metal slot cover. Step 7: Replace the computer's casing, screws and cables, etc.
  22. Start your computer and run the installation software for your card. Video capture card is a very old kind of hardware. Generally, it was originally plugged into the motherboard of the computer and used to watch analog monitoring with the computer.
  23. There must be a PCI slot on the motherboard to insert a video capture card. If you plug it in, you need to download the driver from the official website. Then go to the official website to download.
  24. The last thing is to plug in the camera with a cable. The first step is to turn off the power of the computer, and then touch the computer case with good grounding with your hands to discharge the static electricity of the human body or wear an anti-static wrist strap.
  25. The second step is to open the chassis and install the video capture card in an empty PCI or PCI-E slot (the PCI capture card is installed in the PCI slot, and the PCI-E interface capture card is installed in the PCI-E slot middle).
  26. Remember to cut off the power for installation. The third step is to connect the signal line of the video source output line (camera, video camera, video recorder, computer graphics card) to the video capture card. Step 4: After the hardware installation of the video capture card is completed, it is necessary to start the machine to install the driver and software of the video capture card. The video capture card comes with a CD, which contains the product driver and corresponding video software.
  27. Step five, put the video capture card installation disk into the CD-ROM drive, which CD-ROM is the drive disk will be explained in the manual. The text on the CD generally has the words "driver" or "install" written in English. Select the video capture card driver of the relevant model, and there are pages in the CD that comes with the product, which generally contain the drivers for a series of products of the company, so you should choose the same model of capture card driver.
  28. Step 6, choose to install the driver, install the SDK development kit, and install the application client and server in sequence. Restart the computer to complete the software installation. The specific installation and setting steps of the video capture card are as follows: Install DirectX9.0 or above.
  29. Many video capture cards require the installation of DirectX to be able to use the video capture card.
  30. Install and register MPEG encoder and decoder. Put the installation disk of the video capture card into the CD-ROM drive. Select the video capture card driver.
  31. Choose to install the driver, install the SDK development kit, and install the application client server in turn.
  32. Restart the computer to complete the software installation.
  33. Install the camera arming 2-core power cable and video cable. The power cable is connected to a 12v power supply to supply power to the camera, and the video cable is connected to the capture card as a BNC head. Insert the video card into the pci slot of the computer.
  34. Turn on the computer to install the driver. Steps to install the driver: Right-click My Computer, click Properties-click Hardware-click Device Manager-click the Sound, Video and Game Controller option to find the card you just installed (the one you greeted), double-click to open and select the option to install the driver. Find the driver in your installation software and install the driver.
  35. Open the client in the installation software, and if there is a password, just enter the password.

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